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Historical Sites of Mariposa

Bagby State Route 49 at the Merced River

From a vista point near the 1,156 long, 130 foot high bridge, completed in 1966, the site of Bagby lies east under, and sometimes exposed beside, the back waters of Lake McClure.

Bagby State Route 49 at the Merced River

Bagby Stationhouse, Water Tanks and Turntable

These structures were moved to the historic railhead of El Portal in 1966 prior to the inundation of Bagby by the raising of Exchequer Dam and the expansion of Lake McClure.

Highway 140 El Portal

California Historical Landmark 331 Bear Valley

First called Johnsonville: Bear Valley had a population of 3,000 including Chinese, Cornish and Mexicans during 1850-60 when Col. John C Fremont's Pine Tree and Josephine mines were producing.

Highway 49 (Milepost 29.2) Bear Valley

California Historical Landmark 332 Coulterville

While miners worked nearby streams and veins for gold, George W. Coulter served their needs as merchant and hotel proprietor. His first store, established in 1850, was a tent stocked with merchandise hauled in by pack train. Coulter and the town which bears his name prospered, as Coulterville became the business and social capital of this area.

State Route 49 Near Main Street Coulterville

California Historical Landmark 333 Hornitos

Started in 1850 by outcast Mexicans from nearby Quartzburg and given the name Hornitos, meaning "little ovens", from the dome like rock and mud bake-ovens being used here by some Germans.

Bear Valley Road Hornitos

California Historical Landmark 518 Agua Fria

One fourth mile north of Carson Creek, a tributary of Agua Fria, was located Agua Fria, first county seat of Mariposa County in 1850 - 1851 one of original 27 counties in California.

4189 Highway 140

California Historical Landmark 670 Mariposa County Courthouse

This mortise-and-tenon Greek Revival courthouse, erected in 1854, is California's oldest court of law and has served continuously as the seat of county government since 1854.

5088 Bullion Street Mariposa

Coulterville Hotel

State Route 132 and State Route 49 Coulterville

Coulterville Odd Fellows Hall

This two-story wood-frame structure in the Greek Revival architectural style was constructed shortly after the fire of 1899 on the site of an earlier lodge building.

Main Street Coulterville

Fremont's Fort

General John C. Fremont, 1813-1893. A noted military man, explorer, topographer, senator & businessman, Fremont was also a miner. He settled in Mariposa County living just outside Bear Valley.

State Route 49 Near Bear Valley

Ghirardelli & Company

After three years of successful operation, Ghirardelli sold his business and moved to San Francisco to devote his full attention to the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company which he had founded in 1853.

2890 Bear Valley Road Hornitos

Hornitos Calabozo

The Hornitos jail was probably built in 1851 of heavy stone blocks quarried and transported from nearby hills by Chinese labor. The three-foot-thick walls rest on bedrock. A huge iron ring is embedded in center of floor and other iron rings are affixed to the walls for shackling prisoners.

High Road Hornitos

Hornitos Masonic Hall No. 98

This building was constructed c. 1855 of native schist rock. It was purchased in August 1873 by the Freemasons of Hornitos Lodge No. 98, and since early 1875, continue to meet here.

2877 Bear Valley Road Hornitos

Mariposa County's Old Stone Jail

This 33 x 26 foot structure was built in 1858 from granite blocks quarried near Mormon Bar at a cost of 14,744.00 by J. O. Lovejoy. It originally had two stories and a gallows at the east end.

5012 Bullion Street Mariposa

National Register #78000360 Hetch Hetchy Railroad Engine No. 6

Hetch Hetchy Railroad Engine No. 6 is a three truck Shay locomotive, built by the Lima Locomotive Works in 1921

Highway 140 El Portal

National Register #82002205 Coulterville Historic District

This seventy-acre historic district contains two dozen contributing buildings. Coulterville is California Historical Landmark 332.

Main Street Coulterville

National Register #91000547 Mariposa County High School Auditorium

Mariposa County High School Auditorium reflects the craftsmanship and skills of its Works Progress Administration workforce. It is Mariposa's best example of the Spanish Colonial Revival style and one of very few buildings in this small town designed by an architect.

5074 Old Highway North Mariposa

National Register #91000560 Mariposa Town Historic District

The Mariposa Town Historic District is associated with the development of mining, industry and commerce in Mariposa County. It was owned John C. Fremont, a major figure in the exploration of the West and a prominent figure in local and state politics. The district contains sixty-three historic buildings which are among the oldest in California and are good examples of Gold Rush era architecture.

Bounded by Charles, 11th, Jones and 4th Streets Mariposa

Sun Sun Wo Co.

One of the earlier Gold Rush buildings, and one of the last adobe structures left, this general store was established and operated by the Chinese from 1851 until 1926.

Chinatown Main Street and Kow Street Coulterville

Trabucco Store

Louis Trabucco was born in 1821 and emigrated from Italy in 1847. He opened his first store in Bear Valley in 1856. After becoming successful in his Mariposa mining and business ventures he returned to Italy and married 19 year old Elena Lambruschini in 1860. After returning to Bear Valley they opened stores in Benton Mills, (Bagby), Mount Bullion and Mount Ophir in addition to the Bear Valley store.

SR 49 and Bear Valley Road Bear Valley


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Mariposa, CA 95338 


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